If you are suffering from a gambling addiction, it is essential that you strengthen your support system. Reconnect with friends and family, volunteer for good causes, and enroll in education classes. You can also join peer support groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-step program modeled on Alcoholics Anonymous. You will need a sponsor, a former gambler who can offer guidance. Read this article for more information. Also, find out if you’re at risk of becoming a problem gambler and how you can protect yourself from gambling.
Problem gamblers may blame others
Problem gamblers often blame others for their behavior. They may blame their partner, family, or friends for allowing them to lose control over their lives. Sometimes, problem gamblers will blame their partners for their problems by blaming the gambling on lies or lack of trust. Either way, the consequences of problem gambling are devastating. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with these problem gamblers. If you suspect that you or a loved one is struggling with problem gambling, it is time to seek help.
They may feel desperate for money
Many addicted gamblers are unable to stop the urge to win money. This urge may lead them to spend more time gambling than on other important activities. The desperation phase often leads to guilt, alienation from friends and family, and criminal activity. They may even turn to drugs and alcohol, which can lead to arrest, divorce, and suicidal ideation. According to Robert L. Custer, former Chief Treatment Services for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, these behaviors may signal a more serious problem than gambling.
They may blame others for their actions
While you might feel that you’re helping a friend or family member overcome their gambling habit, you shouldn’t try to control them. Gamblers are not your fault. They may be blaming others for their actions, and they may steal money from you or other people to finance their addiction. They may blame others for their actions and blame you for not being able to stop their behavior. The best thing to do is to convey your concern about their problem, and let them know that you are willing to support them through it.
They may blame themselves
Many people with gambling addictions may not recognize it until a crisis point. It may go through cycles of awareness and denial. While these cycles can be discouraging, it is important to remember that if a person cannot control his or her impulses to gamble, they may be suffering from a problem. The first step in addressing the problem is to ask if gambling is interfering with their life goals.