Generally, gambling is a game that involves placing a wager on a random event and seeking to win something of value. In the game of poker, for example, the gambler has the opportunity to win a prize or receive a payout. Gambling is often used to reduce instances of strategy in a game.
Ancient Chinese evidence of gambling
Historically, gambling was an activity that was either regulated or outlawed depending on the circumstances. While most gambling literature uses Western gamblers as a source, there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Chinese also engaged in gambling.
Generally speaking, there are two components to any gambling game: the prize and the risk. Gamblers have to find a balance between the two. Generally, the odds are against the player. However, gamblers are willing to accept this risk as long as they can get their hands on a prize.
The earliest known archaeological evidence of gambling comes from Ancient China. Evidence of lottery-style games appears to date back to the early Xia and Shang dynasties. Some experts believe that dice-based games were also being played during this time.
Legalized gambling as a leisure activity
Despite a long history of opposition, gambling as a leisure activity has gained in popularity. Aside from casinos, other activities include bingo and lottery. These activities also generate government revenue, which is typically used for socially beneficial causes.
While gambling has been illegal in most parts of the world for centuries, it was not until the late nineteenth century that a government started to run lotteries. Soon, other states followed suit. In fact, gambling has become a multi-billion dollar industry in countries across the world.
Although it is impossible to quantify exactly how much money is spent on gambling, the industry generated more than $450 billion in 2014. Most of the money goes to gambling enterprises, which are managed by the governments of the jurisdictions in which they are located. In fact, many jurisdictions take a heavy hand in controlling gambling activities.
Treatment for gambling addiction
Getting treatment for gambling addiction can be the best way to start the process of recovery. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, but you’ll need to continue with a plan to avoid relapse.
The best way to find help is by searching for a therapist. Online therapist directories allow you to sort by expertise and credentials. A good therapist will assess your gambling history and recommend a treatment program.
A therapist can help you identify the triggers of gambling, and teach you how to change your behaviors. Behavioral therapy, group therapy, or psychoanalysis are all treatment options. You can also attend a 12-step group like Gamblers Anonymous.
Coping with a loved one’s gambling addiction
Having to cope with a loved one’s gambling addiction can be a difficult and stressful experience. You may feel as though you are powerless, betrayed, or are being blamed. You may also experience anger, frustration, and hopelessness.
Gambling addiction can affect your family’s emotions, relationships, and finances. It may cause the person to sell their possessions, borrow money, or spend time off. If you have a loved one who has a gambling problem, you can help them get help. However, you need to be prepared to follow through on the steps outlined below.